Refine Your Power of Observation
Housed in a new state-of-the-art facility, the science program consists of three distinct disciplines: physics, chemistry, and biology. Faculty members help students master fundamental principles of scientific method, approach, and research. Students work in small, problem-solving groups to execute labs, complete assigned projects, and present reports. Technology is incorporated directly into the curriculum. Emphasis is placed on the thoughtful use of data as a reasoning tool rather than on the superficial memorization of facts. Frequent experiments develop the students’ powers of observation, classification, and analysis. In addition to the standard survey courses, honors and Advanced Placement (AP) classes are also available.
Suffield’s science curriculum teaches students to:
• Approach life with a sense of curiosity and engagement
• Appreciate the world, with a particular concern for the environment
• Apply acquired skills to scientific and nonscientific pursuits
• Work independently and in cooperative group settings using scientific methods

Paul Caginalp
Chair, Science Department, Varsity Riflery Head Coach

Cuba Birnbaum
Science Department

Kristina Braithwaite
Girls' Tennis
Assistant Dean of Academics & Faculty, Science Department, Varsity Girls' Tennis Head Coach

Matthew Fava
J.V. Boy's Basketball Coach
Science Department

Ramona Fontaine
Science Department

Steve Goodwin
Science Department

Danika Holmes
Science Department

Amy Norris
Science Department

Becka Pouy
Science Department

Dang Tran
Science Teacher