2024 Grandparents' Day

2024 Grandparents' Day

Suffield welcomed more than 230 grandparents to campus on September 26 for our annual Grandparents’ Day. A bit of rain didn’t diminish the joy and sprit that filled campus. Grandparents traveled from near and far to experience a day in the life of their grandchildren, attending three classes and participating in various science labs, engaging in dynamic class discussions, and tackling challenging calculus problems.

In Holcomb Science Center, guests joined a lab to calculate the density of metal, and across the hall in forensic science grandparents analyzed trace evidence to solve a crime. Visitors in Amy Pentz’s English III class recalled major themes from The Scarlett Letter and joined the class discussion. Skilled artists didn’t hesitate to take seats at the ceramics wheel in Tremaine Art Center with their grandchildren looking on, and students in Engineering performed an “egg drop” from the top floor of Memorial with a fascinated audience down below.

Following a morning in the academic buildings, grandparents heard from Head of School Charlie Cahn in Koo Family Dining Room, where he spoke about Suffield’s unwavering core values: kindness, respect, leadership, and effort. “Our philosophy takes care and resilience to execute, from the Board of Trustees through the leadership of the school. It is about hiring and supporting great teachers, having meticulous grounds that symbolize our pride in the school, recruiting students who respond to structure, challenge, and adult guidance, and most importantly—I have learned—always making sure the food is good.” Grandparents enjoyed a delicious lunch together with familiar faces and new friends.

Mr. Cahn closed his remarks saying, “Your grandchildren are a part of an exceptional school that values kindness, accountability, and hard work. You are nice to have made time to be here with us today—it is uplifting to your grandchildren and our community.”  

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