The annual dance show was performed in the Jeanice H. Seaverns Performing Arts Center and broadcast live from the Suffield Academy website on March 3. The show was entitled Maskerade and showcased the remarkable talents of the 2020-2021 Suffield Academy Dance Company: Naila Gomez ’21, Max Santopietro ’21, Megan Swanson ’21, Brigid Lawry ’21, Kaitlin Sun ’21, Manoush Pajouh ’22, Katya Yurkovskya ’22, Suleni Sabio-Arzu Brown ’22, and Sophie Winikur ’24.
This year’s company was comprised of six in-person dancers with three members participating remotely. All in-person dancers took part in each group number with a focus on different styles of dance including Hip-Hop, Lyrical, Salsa, and Broadway Jazz. Two members choreographed their own dances and the four in-person seniors honored the traditional senior dance. Dancing remotely, Kaitlin Sun, Suleni Sabio-Arzu Brown, and Sophie Winikur choreographed and performed their own individual dances from home.
Stage Management was provided by Norm Slate ’21 with lighting by Hal Johnson. Performing Arts Chair Tom Dugan, Brittney D’Oleo ’14, Caroline Bauchiero ’15, and Ally Rocco led as faculty choreographers. Tom Dugan noted, “It was a great year and we had a blast. Everyone was learning different styles of dance and worked hard in the rigid four weeks of in-person rehearsals.”
Performing in her final dance show at Suffield Naila Gomez commented, “I am so glad we stuck with it for four years and it felt amazing to see all the hard work we put in pay off. Although it is sad this was our last show, I am very proud of all the success we’ve had together!”
Kaitlin Sun added, “I missed dancing with the team, but I also really enjoyed it as an opportunity to complete my senior solo. I’ve been going to dance studios in Beijing and wanted to share what I have been learning. This show was so incredible especially in this difficult time. I really enjoyed watching it.”
The dance program at Suffield is a winter term activity designed to teach different aspects of dance while working towards a full-scale performance.