Proctors and Leadership Teaching Assistants Return

Proctors and Leadership Teaching Assistants Return

Suffield students are arriving this week for the 2024-2025 academic year. Dormitory proctors and Leadership Program teaching assistants were first on campus for orientations related to these key roles. Dorm proctors spent two days together with Dean of Students & Campus Life Greg Lynch and Assistant Dean of Students Kathleen Pillsbury. Mrs. Pillsbury shared "Our training prioritized building dorm communities focused on safety, trust, respect, and belonging. We had a highly productive training period as a large group and look forward to our ongoing training as we will meet twice per month throughout the year. Until then, it's time to get to work on welcoming everyone to campus!"

Leadership Program teaching assistants spent the afternoon at the Courtney Robinson ’88 Outdoor Leadership Center. Director of College Counseling & Leadership Ann Selvitelli and Leadership Program faculty members led the retreat. Ann commented "The Leadership TA retreat is a vital kick-off event that not only welcomes our TAs back to campus but also provides invaluable time to reconnect and plan. Our TAs become energized for the year, learning new interactive games and activities to facilitate back in the classroom. They spent time with their faculty partners setting intentions and envisioning dynamic leadership lessons for the year. The positive energy and thoughtful approach from all of our TAs reflect what makes this program so special, and we are all excited for the school year to begin."