Senior Speakers [Mar. 26]

Senior Speakers [Mar. 26]

The senior speaker series continued on March 26 and featured five members of the Class of 2021: Michael Greco, Jack Hommeyer, Anthony Izzo, Chris Moore, and Sean Tashjian.

Recounting a conversation with his grandmother about the poem “Invictus” by William Ernest Henley, Michael Greco from West Hartford, Connecticut says his perception of life was forever changed: “Since then, I live each day like I am the one in control of it, doing what interests me and what I enjoy. Whether it was that conversation with my grandma or the various role models in my life, I finally feel as if I am the master of my fate and the captain of my soul.”

Jack Hommeyer is a postgraduate from Bronxville, New York who recited Reinhold Niebuhr’s “Serenity Prayer.” Jack examined the prayer’s central themes of acceptance, courage, and understanding: “There is so much we do not have control over but we have the ability to change our lives for the better. Finding that which you can control is the first step leading to happiness and success.”

From Wilbraham, Massachusetts, Anthony Izzo explained how a simple act of kindness taught him to be a better person and friend: “I have a deeper understanding of the importance of respect and empathy and am more aware of the people around me. Even though the easier choice is to walk away and go about your day, the right choice is always to help.”

A baseball player from Brooklyn, New York, Chris Moore attended Baylor School in Chattanooga, Tennessee before transferring to Suffield Academy as a junior. “Suffield welcomed me with open arms and I could never thank you enough,” he said. “Suffield is definitely a place you want to be and where you will grow as a person and make lifelong friends. I am better today because of this experience.”

Sean Tashjian is from Longmeadow, Massachusetts who considers his Armenian lamb shish kebab a microcosm of life. “It takes persistent effort, focus, and determination, often for weeks, months, even years to succeed and enjoy the fruits of one's labor,” he explained. “Similar to each step in the shish kebab process, every step through life brings me closer to my coveted goal. As my postgraduate year comes to a close, I must always remember that future success results from continued effort and persistence.”

The series will resume on April 2. You may view all chapel talks here.