Suffield's Spirit Week

Suffield's Spirit Week

The spirit of Halloween occupied Suffield Academy for a week-long celebration of school pride, community, and masked faces October 26 thru 31. Organized by the school’s spirit week committee, each day summoned costumes prompted by an individual theme. Monday assigned Jersey Day, Tuesday was Favorite Character Day, Wednesday issued Decade Day, Thursday was Pajama Day, Friday was Twin Day, and finally Saturday honored traditional costumes inspirited by the popular and famed spooky season.

While Halloween is a favorite holiday among many in the Suffield community, several students commented that the routine of wearing masks is not just a haunting and familiar Halloween tradition but a demonstration of responsibility and respect for community wellness. A senior day student and spirit club leader Emma Casey added, “With everything going on this year, spirit week was an easy and safe way to inspire many more smiles, uplifted spirits, and an even stronger sense of community on campus.”