Summer Reading

Summer Reading

Suffield Academy’s 2022 Summer Reading list has been announced. Suffield students are required to read the community text and at least one text from the list. However, students are encouraged to read throughout the summer and to choose at least two books from the reading list.

The 2022-2023 all school read is Still Life by Louise Penny. This community text is the first book in a much-acclaimed mystery series about Chief Inspector Armand Gamache. However, Still Life is more than a mystery. Penny’s books are also part of the genre called “cozy” mysteries; mysteries that are comfort reads that leave you satisfied and at one with the world rather than scared to sleep alone with the lights out. Penny has said her books are about life and include lessons to live by and lessons that lead to wisdom. Students and faculty are given one more task in reading this year’s community text: unearthing the 2022-2023 school theme.